Thursday, July 14, 2011

SmartPhone as Tablet Replacement - 10 of 14 is Not Bad

SmartPhone as Tablet Replacement

Brooke Crothers relays interesting survey results in "How many devices can a smartphone, tablet replace?"

  • Alarm clock: 61.1 percent
  • GPS: 52.3 percent
  • Digital camera: 44.3 percent
  • Personal planner: 41.6 percent
  • Landline phone: 40.3 percent
  • MP3 player: 37.6 percent
  • Video camera: 34.2 percent
  • Newspaper: 28.2 percent
  • Radio: 27.5 percent
  • Desktop/Laptop computer: 24.2 percent
  • Gaming device: 20.8 percent
  • Books: 20.1 percent
  • Internet service at home: 19.5 percent
  • DVD player: 14.1 percent
Of course, the question becomes, how WELL can it replace those items? I have used my iPhone for many of these tasks, but have to rate the following as poor:
  • GPS – have you ever gone outside of cell coverage and needed a map
  • Newspaper - news in snippets only, I still get a Sunday paper
  • Desktop/laptop -  nope, still own and use both types
  • DVD player - not yet, but soon. Netflix is trying to kill the DVD and streaming might be the only way to see movies

I would not surprised if:

  • Apple discontinues the smaller iPods after this winter (the iTouch will remain)
  • GPS devices all add wi-fi and browsers to avoid extinction (Garmin is nearly there with their newest models)
  • More Smartphone docks start appearing for regular charging and syncing
  • Hotspots finally gain traction for instant network tethering